Over 14 years working in advertising I’ve tried on basically every available attitude.
I’ve been insanely optimistic and worryingly cynical and have dabbled in all the grey space between.
In recent years though, I’ve found the best way to existentially protect myself is to think of my career, not as a portfolio of ads, but just a collection of anecdotes to tell later at the pub.
Weird, funny stories are more common than good ads.
And while good advertising dates quickly, tales of bad behaviour, workplace charlatans and getting fired from Saatchis after working on Christmas Day only improve with age.
I may never create a metaphor as powerful and poignant as Mr Wind.
But, in my darkest evenings, I’ll rest assured that any bullshit that happens will eventually decompose into a soil so rich in nutrients that it inures from pain, nourishes the soul and blesses me with punchlines to fill the space between my slow, melodramatic sips of Guinness.
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