Thanks for reading Ads That Go Hard over the past almost-two-years. It’s been a fun project to do and a nice way to appreciate the industry I work in.
But I have become bored of having a newsletter that’s just about advertising.
If I’m going to take the time to do a newsletter, it should be something I’d be excited to receive myself. Which (for me) means:
Posts weekly
Ideally funny
Is sometimes about pubs
Only sometimes about ads that go hard
We’ll start there anyway and see what happens.
As of next Thursday, this newsletter will be called In Moderation and expand in scope to be a more general personal project.
If you’re currently subscribed to Ads That Go Hard, you should just keep receiving the new posts like normal (let me know if it doesn’t work).
If you were only here for the ads, I think you will probably like what’s coming, but no problems if you need to unsubscribe.
I am James Ross-Edwards, an Australian who has lived and worked in London since 2013. I’ve been writing things on blogs since before Myspace. At various points, my writing has appeared in McSweeney’s, Apartamento, Lunar Poetry and been published in collections by Spoken Word London and the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art.
I like to write short things that help me understand the world better.

For the last 15 years I’ve made most of my living by working as an ad creative. I currently work as a creative director at Mother London, which is a pretty fun job.
The name is a callback to a series I used to wrote from 2011-2013 about pubs back in Sydney.
It’s also a cousin to my old podcast of the same name.
It’s also a name with an in-built philosophy and a good excuse to slow down if things get too intense.
If you have any questions or comments, let me know and I can try turning my answers into newsletter content once I inevitably run out of things to say each week.
Thanks for reading this. See you next Thursday at 0900 BST.
James xo